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Linear Actuators

ایک نان کیپٹیو لکیری ایکچوایٹر کیا ہے؟
Learn the distinctions and core components of non-captive linear actuators in this detailed guide.

میشن اور تاریخ آٹومیشن کیا ہے?
The evolution and history of automation Can be traced back to the early 18th century during the first industrial revolution.

ایکچوایٹر کیا ہے اور وہ کیسے کام کرتے ہیں؟
From automotive to machinery to home improvement, actuators are becoming more commonplace worldwide.
TV Lifts

کیا باہر ٹی وی استعمال کیا جاسکتا ہے؟
Motion control technology enables automated electronic kitchen appliance lift system's to make your life easier.

فرنیچر ایکچوایٹرز 101: ہر وہ چیز جس کے بارے میں آپ کو جاننے کی ضرورت ہے
Electric Linear Actuators have not only become integral in various industries but have also significantly impacted home automation.

کلک ٹی وی پیٹس: کون سا انتخاب کریں?
Discover the optimal ceiling TV mount tailored to your needs, whether it's for your entertainment center or workplace.
Drawer Slides

دراز سلائیڈ کی مختلف اقسام کیا ہیں؟
Unveiling the Different Types of Drawer Slides: A Guide to Smooth Operation.

دراز سلائیڈز مکمل گائیڈ
Choosing the Perfect Slide: A Breakdown of Drawer Slide Types

دراز سلائیڈ کتنا وزن رکھ سکتی ہے؟
Will your drawer slides hold the required weight?
Slide Rails

لکیری ہدایت نامہ کس طرح استعمال کیا جاتا ہے؟
Linear Guides or linear rail slides are support devices that are used to help carry loads and ensure straight and level linear motion.

لکیری گائیڈز VS دراز سلائیڈز
Do you need slide rails or drawer slides for your application?

لکیری بیرنگ 101 - لکیری بیرنگ کیسے کام کرتے ہیں
Bearings allow for a large amount of weight to slide along a linear path.
Standing Desks

ایک کھڑے میز لفٹ میں سنگل اور ڈبل مرحلے ٹانگوں کے درمیان کیا فرق ہے ؟
Understanding Single vs. Dual Stage Legs

کیا کھڑے ڈیسک آپ کے لئے واقعی اچھے ہیں؟
Here is how standing desks can improve your health

اسٹینڈنگ ڈیسک لفٹوں کی مختلف اقسام کیا ہیں؟
Exploring Your Standing Desk Lift Options
Recent Blogs

Discover how to make a flip-down TV lift with a linear actuator. This detailed guide explains the mechanics, pivot design, and force...

Discover what an actuator is, how it works, and the differences between linear and rotary actuators. Learn about electric, hydraulic, pneumatic, and piezoelectric types, with...

Discover the FIRGELLI FCB-2, the ultimate linear actuator controller. Sync up to 4 actuators, use wireless remotes, set timers, and adjust speeds via an LCD...

Explore 10 innovative DIY projects with FIRGELLI linear actuators: hidden storage, standing desks, TV lifts, smart windows, and more. Transform your home or RV with...

Discover how linear actuators are transforming smart homes in 2025 with 5 DIY ideas: hidden TV lifts, automated windows, adjustable furniture, robotic assistants, and solar...

Firgelli’s new C-Series Actuator is here! With stroke lengths from 1” to 30” and forces of 45 to 225 lbs, it’s perfect for any project—home...

Firgelli Classic Actuator: 12” stroke, 200 lbs force, 0.33 in/s, 12V DC, IP54. Lifts hatches, tilts solar panels, powers furniture. Quiet (45 dB), durable. $120-$140...

This calculator determines the force needed by an actuator to open hinged lids or trap doors. It uses the formula Force=(W1*L2)/L1, focusing on leverage. No...

Maximize your actuators duty cycle by reducing load, improving cooling, and ensuring proper lubrication. Lower heat prevents overheating, extends runtime, and increases lifespan. Use heat...

Linear actuators draw more current in cold weather due to thicker lubricants, material contraction, reduced motor efficiency, and startup friction. To counteract these effects, use...

Some applications may need more than one control input. Trap doors (access hatches) are a great example, since they need to be opened from...

Direct drive linear actuators convert rotational motion directly to linear motion without gears, making them ideal for fast, precise applications with minimal load. However, they...

When using multiple actuators on the same object, you have 2 options for system-type; Synchronized and Tandem. Both system types will result in actuators...

The FIRGELLI Micro Utility Actuator offers precise, compact motion control, ideal for automation, robotics, and more, with easy installation and versatile applications

You want to automate something; it turns out...

Discover how FIRGELLI linear actuators and the FCB-1 controller enable smooth, synchronized roof lifting for truck campers. Jay’s DIY build showcases their seamless operation, ensuring...

Discover the world of actuators with our guide. Learn about electric linear actuators and their uses in industrial machinery and home automation. Understand their benefits...

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استعمال کرکے FIRGELLIلکیری ایکچواٹرز ، یہ DIY پروجیکٹ چھت اٹھا کر ، ٹیک کو وین لائف کے ساتھ ضم کرکے کیمپروین کو بلند کرتا...

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