Speed Controller for Linear Actuators

Speed Controller for Linear Actuators

$38.00 $38.00 USD
Model #FA-SC1
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Warranty Plus:
Your product will be replaced (including free shipping) with a new one within 12 months of purchase, even if it is damaged due to improper wiring, incorrect usage, a problem in the electrical installation or any other circumstance.

Standard Warranty:
12 month warranty comes with every purchase. Covers malfunctions when it is used within the described conditions/limits.

 +8%  ($3.04) ($3.04)

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  • Description

    The Firgelli Automations Speed Controller allows you to control the speed of our 12V DC actuators up to a maximum current rating of 6A and all our gear motor products. Designed using a motor controller and high frequency Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) you are able to control the speed of your Actuator/Motor with minimal impact on the force output.

  • Additional Info

    You can reduce the speed to just under 50% with little loss of force. Force loss is determined by inertia of the actuator and could be more with higher force actuators. It will allow you to slow the actuator down, but not increase the speed beyond the speed at which it runs with no controller. 

    The FA-SC1 is intended to control the speed of one linear actuator.

    The maximum current capability of the unit is 10A; even two small actuators connected together to the Speed Controller could draw a startup surge current exceeding 10A which will damage the unit. Please note if you adjust the speed it will also change the speed when you reverse the actuator.

    * Includes black case

    DO NOT connect two actuators to the same FA-SC1.

  • Specifications  

    Model # FA-SC1
    Output Current 0 to 10A
    Input Voltage 12-16V DC
    No Load Output Current <50mA
    Output Voltage 12V
    PWM Signal 10KHz
    Dimensions L: 3.3” x W: 2.88” H: x 1.18”
    Speed Range 33% to 100%
    Operating Temp. -40° C to +40° C

    Click here to view user manual 

  • Wiring Diagram

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