Motorized pop up hidden secret drawer

In this project we wanted to use a Column lift actuator to lift up out of a cabinet counter top a drawer that in this case holds an expensive bottle of wine and glasses but it really could be anything such as a safe, or anything. The Lift mechanism used is a FA-SCL 
pop up hidden drawer

Step 1: First thing we want to do i cut a rectangular hole in the top of the counter top

motorized hidden drawer

The idea of this project is that we have a vertical drawer lift up from the counter top. It will be pushed up by the Column lift Actuator such that when its all the way down the top of the drawer is flush with the top of the counter top. In addition we want it such that when the drawer is fully raised the base of the drawer is also flush with the counter top too.

here you can see that we cut a hole in the counter top, we mask taped the counter top to protect the wood and ensure it doesnt chip. we wanted the hole to be nice and straight so we used a router to do this.

Step 2: Making the drawer and installing the column lift actuator

Column lift

The drawer is made to fit inside the hole, you want to make it so that its a sliding fit with not binding spots. The back of the drawer has a false back because we made a slot for the column lift actuator to fit inside it. The Column lift actuator simply slides all the way in as shown here so that when the lift is activated it pushed up the drawer. Here we put the drawer on its side to show how the column lift fits inside it. The Lift and the drawer will then simply slide into the hole in the cabinet and the base of the column lift actuator will just sit on the base of the cabinet.

secret drawer

pop up tv lift


Adding Drawer Slides

You could reduce the friction of this system by adding drawer slides instead of having the pocket drawer slide up and down out of the cabinet top. Using a set of Firgelli Drawer slides would allow for smoother sliding of the cabinet and also reduce the friction and force required to do the lifting. Firgelli Drawer slide come in strokes of up to 60" stoke extension so even for very large projects this is an option

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