Plastiek -tandwiel en baanstel

      Plastiek -tandwiel en baanstel

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      Warranty Plus

      Warranty Plus:
      Your product will be replaced (including free shipping) with a new one within 12 months of purchase, even if it is damaged due to improper wiring, incorrect usage, a problem in the electrical installation or any other circumstance.

      Standard Warranty:
      12 month warranty comes with every purchase. Covers malfunctions when it is used within the described conditions/limits.


      Shipping Cost Estimator

      Note: You must have items in your cart already before you can see the estimated costs to ship your cart. This shipping tool will estimate the total shipping cost for your entire basket.

      Stokperdjies kan 'n kruipbasis ontwikkel deur hul eie struktuurrame te gebruik met behulp van die tandwiele en rubberspore wat ons lewer. Hierdie volledige gestelde kruipbasis is beskikbaar in ons robotbasisafdeling. 

      Snit: 14 ¼ ”(361,95 mm) lank x 1 3/16" (30.1625mm) breed (25 afdelings, 24 stawe)

      Hierdie stel bestaan ​​uit tandwiele, wielnaaf -adapters, rubberspore, skroewe en moere. Al die sleutelonderdele is van plastiek. Deur al die dele bymekaar te sit, kan stokperdjies 'n robotkruipbasis ontwikkel. Die lengte van die rubberbaan is verstelbaar volgens die behoefte.

      4 mm gat in deursnee

      Frequently Bought Together

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